Campaign created to show the series “Collections of Continents” of Viaje Mais magazine. They are collectible books of the main destinations of each continent that bring all the information about the best routes for each country. Represented through a graphic perspective and using the peculiar flag elements of the countries, we bring routes, destinations, and directions as the concept. The campaign is composed of 5 advertising posters about countries of the European, American, and Oceania continents.
Diretor de Criação: Luiz Parpulov
Diretores de Arte: Eduardo Basque
Redator: Rafael Campeão / Rafael Prioli
Diretores de Arte: Eduardo Basque
Redator: Rafael Campeão / Rafael Prioli
FePI (Festival Internacional de la Publicidad Independiente) - THE ROUTE FLAGS - Plata - 2018